Fate | Anger | Baroque Opera

I'm not so much a believer of astrology. But I do find some elements of the 'study' rather interesting. And for the life of me, I don't understand what's been going on in the month of July.

Reading the monthly forecast on one of the few astrology website that I've been following, I found out about the major solar eclipse happening on 21 July. According to the forecast, it was going to be an eventful day, where effects of the eclipse will lend a long and heavy hand to the rest of my 10 years of life.

And what a load of cr*p. July had proven itself to be the worst month of the year for me. I suffered much in ill health, and even more in work life. Never had such pent up anger in me for a long, long time. It was one of those pet peaves of mine: I can tolerate arrogance (if the person had the intelligence or the cleverness to be arrogant), I can stand sly (if the person had the skills to be a consumate wheeler dealer). I simply cannot endure stupidity, especially when it is displayed in the most arrogant form, and with slyness that is evil enough to put the devil to shame.

Here I was, in the lowest of moods for a good 3 weeks. And the only thing to calm my senses is baroque opera. And not just any baroque opera, but particulary arias and cantats by men who can hit a high 'C' better than a soprano. And hence, this music has given me comfort and joy during this low-point in my life. Such an interesting way to keep myself sane. Thank God for music:


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